
Saturday, October 23, 2010

The National - Terrible Love

By law, I am required as a music blogger to post this new video of The National's alternate version of "Terrible Love." It's funny how back in May, critics were announcing a gloom and doom of how the National's High Violet was a huge letdown and that their ability to become the biggest band in the universe was now in question.

Turns out now that after High Violet had some time to soak in, folks seem to be back in the mode of talking about how The National are the coolest band ever. They are having some serious difficulty finding a place to play where they don't sell out.

To throw in a bit of West Texas relevance to this whole story, the band even spent some down time hanging out in Marfa recently. Check out the pictures posted to their Twitter here and here and here.

As a NYC by way of Cincinnati success story, I feel like the National is the band that so many people who move to New York want to be. In the last 4 or 5 years, I'd be willing to bet that possibly hundreds of aspiring artists have moved to the city with the expressed intent of becoming the next National. Amazing how that works, and probably how so few are willing to to put in the years that they have to get to that point.

Bummer that I wasn't even close to being able to catch any of the band's recent tour dates. You can bet I would have been at the recent Denver show if I was still living in Boulder, but alas, some things weren't meant to be. At least I can rest assured knowing every other Colorado blogger was there.

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